Better Box Wine
During the last 10 years, the wine world has nearly-uniformly accepted that young, fresh wines, especially tannic reds, benefit from instant aeration. Whereas older, more delicate wines should be decanted, the majority of wines are purchased for instant consumption, and aeration works wonderfully on those wines. Aeration quickly supplies oxygen, eliminates impurities, and brings out a wine's flavor profile, opening up wine that has been pent up, no matter its packaging. Rather than waiting for the natural decanting process, aerators are designed to rapidly assist in this process, to allow for immediate gratification.
The BOX-Ae-RATOR provides Box Wine drinkers the same proven method used for years by bottled wine drinkers to improve the flavor and bouquet of fresh wine.
This patent pending device attaches to all Box Wine, suspending a wine aerator directly under the Box Wine spigot, permitting the Box Wine to be poured directly through the wine aerator and into your glass, for aerated-wine pleasure in every glass for better box wine!
Take the Box Wine Challenge
We would challenge anyone to try an un-aerated premium Box Wine Cabernet, and then aerate that same Box Wine Cabernet. We assure that you will taste a noticeable difference. You will taste a smoother, mellower taste and bouquet.
Don't Just Take Our Word For It
Check out the following articles from reputable sources extolling the virtues of aeration.
5 Reasons Why You Need a Wine Aerator
"I used to be a skeptic when it came to wine aeration, but am now a believer in the benefits after having conducted my own blind tasting."
Why Aerate Wine?
"When wine, especially young red wines (wines that were made within a year or two of opening), are introduced to air, the air joins with the molecules of the wine, softening the tannins and mimicking the aging process. Basically, oxygen breaks down the harsh, young tannins and makes them smoother."
Aerate or Decant?
"So which wines should be aerated? In general, young red wines, with a tannic profile (Cabernet Sauvignon, Zinfandel and Syrah, for example), are the best candidates, but these aren’t the only ones. Even white wines can benefit from some aeration. Heavier Chardonnays can open up, and even whites that are over-chilled will present themselves better with a little room temperature air being infused. But again, red wines are the main focus, softening the tannins."